
Squadrons–Get out and enjoy the great outdoors!

Rafting, fishing, golfing, paintball, hiking, kickball, and Frisbee golf are just a few options.

Contact Cindy Berg for more options and information:

Call 731-4549 or select UNITE on the contact form »

Revitalizing Squadrons!

“The Beating Heart of the Air Force….Squadrons!”
The intent of the UNITE Initiative is to provide squadron commanders with the flexibility to develop and deliver programs to build cohesion for Airmen within their unit; this includes assigned Active duty and APF/NAF civilians. Squadrons can choose from Ready to Execute Programs, Free/Volunteer events and Squadron Developed Programs!

Cindy Berg | Community Cohesion Coordinator (C3) | 406-731-4549

UNITE info brochure »

CY24 POC Letter »

UNITE Event Proposal Form »

UNITE After Action Report Form »

Volunteer and Free Event Options »

Virtual Events »

UDP (Unit Developed Programs) Options »

UNITE Events Gallery

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